E³UDRES² Alliance is one of the 50 European University Alliances in Europe – an initiative launched by the European Commission, which indicates excellence in the field of higher education.


Together, as E³UDRES², the institutions are able to pool the knowledge, core competencies and skills of all their staff and students. With the strength of all the individual institutions united, E³UDRES² is able to actively shape and further develop not only its individual institutions, but also the regions in which they are located.

Vision and Mission

E³UDRES² Alliance It sets an example as an engaged and entrepreneurial European university, responding to the social, environmental and economic challenges of the 21st century and committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It acts as a living laboratory for the society of the future in progressive European regions and connects research, innovation, education and community service.

"The Universe of E³UDRES²"

Collaboration of higher education institutions within the framework E³UDRES² Alliance has already led to the creation of numerous other projects, focused on themes such as innovation and entrepreneurship or capacity building. Through these projects, E³UDRES² can further focus on the specific challenges of its regions and support meaningful development.