The E³UDRES² Alliance is one of the 50 European University Alliances in Europe – an initiative launched by the European Commission, which indicates excellence in the field of higher education.
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Accelerate Future HEIs
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1.Information LLP project: “Cross Border Virtual Incubator - CBVI”, Project number 510216-LLP-1-2010-NL-ERASMUS-ECUE Director: Diana ANDONE Value: 25,340 EURO Period: 2010-2012 Members: Prof.dr.eng . Radu VASIU Lect.dr.eng. Marian BUCOS Partners: European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), Netherlands Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovations Research (iENTIRE), University of Wuppertal, Germany National Distance Education University (UNED), Madrid, Spain International […]