Workshop Open Education in the Digital Age at UPT
The Politehnica University of Timișoara, via ID / IFR and eLearning Center, organized the 6th edition of the Eopen education in the digital age, Friday, March 22, 2019.

Organized as part of Open Education Week 2019, the workshop highlighted the impact of openness in the digital age from politics to individuals, teachers and students. After several years of implementation, we analyzed how open educational resources (OER), type courses MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), open culture and open science can be integrated at all levels of education and training of companies. Practical examples of the use and integration of mobile learning, augmented and virtual reality in education, research and open science, how the blockchain influences education and digital and open resources in culture and heritage were presented.
With 9 speakers internationally, the workshop was addressed to academics, students, professors of university education, specialists in training companies, IT or HR departments. Participation was open and free, the event was broadcast live on the website and social media platforms of the ID / IFR and eLearning Center and the presentations took place in Romanian and English.
The workshop was organized by ID / IFR and eLearnin Centerg of the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, with the support of the European network EDEN (European Distance and e-Learning Network), IEEE Romania and some projects EU Erasmus + (DigiCulture, OpenVM and ABCto VLE).
The workshop will be available online, after the event, on the online educational platform UniCampus.
The DigiCulture project was presented by Dr. Diana Andone, director of the ID / IFR and eLearning Center and was entitled Use of digital tools in culture - Study study of the DigiCulture project.
The workshop was very well received by those close to him 100 participants, higher education professionals from all universities in Timisoara, students and members of the business environment. the event it was also viewed by several dozen virtual participants who watched the live stream of the event at: