Technologies and Telecommunication Systems  |  an 1  –  an 2  –  an 3  –  an 4

Applied computer science  |  an 1  –  an 2  –  an 3

Communication and public relations  |  an 1  –  an 2  –  an 3

Machine Building Technology  |  an 1  –  an 2  –  an 3 –  an 4

Construction and Operation of Cutting ToolsDr. Eng. Stef Ioan Dorian
Devices and MaintenanceAssociate Dr. Eng. Turkish Cristian Gheorghe
Assist. Dr. Eng. Timpea Stefan Adrian
Innovation and professional communicationProf. Dr. Eng. Stan Daniel Voicu
Industrial welding proceduresAssociate Dr. Eng. Fire Anamaria
Ş.l.dr. Ing. Molnar Richard Istvan
Servomechanisms, translators and sensorsDr. Eng. Hello Adrian Ilie
Product Manufacturing TechnologyAssociate Dr. Eng. Turkish Cristian Gheorghe
CommunicationProf. Dr. Eng. Prof. Dr. Eng. Stupid Gabriela
3D measurement proceduresProf. Dr. Eng. Tulcan Aurel
Manufacturing technologies and equipmentDr. Eng. Stef Ioan Dorian
Technologies on Machines with Numerical ControlsProf. Dr. Eng. But Adrian
Polymer materials processing technologiesAssociate Dr. Eng. Stan Daniel Voicu