Open Education Week 2018
Open Education Workshop - the impact of opening institutions, resources, tools, teachers, topics.
The Polytechnic University of Timișoara, through the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center and in partnership with the EDEN and IEEE Romania associations, organized the fifth edition of the workshop “Open Education - the impact of openness: institutions, resources, tools, teachers, subjects.
The event took place within Open Education Week and brought together over 13 international presentations with case studies from Romania and the European Union as well as other significant details regarding Open Education.
The topics covered in the workshop were practical examples of open education, the use of open educational resources (OER) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) in education of all kinds. Various open tools, mobile learning situations, implementation studies for augmented and virtual reality in education, types of open culture, open research, blockchain in education, false news education, approaching young people and women in science, what they are and how were discussed virtual mobility works.
Teachers, students, teachers from pre-university education, specialists from training companies or human resources departments participated. Access to the event was free and guests received a certificate of participation at the end of the workshop.
Watch live streaming HERE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjsX1MFA1GM )
During the event, national level presentations took place with case studies from Romania and the European Union as well as other significant data regarding Open Education.
As every year, the workshop was organized by the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CEL) from the Polytechnic University of Timișoara in partnership with the EDEN Association and IEEE Romania and was broadcast online.
Open Education Week was an event promoted by the Open Education Consortium, with the aim of presenting the opportunities offered by open education, the results of its integration in all forms of education, whether it is the development of skills or knowledge in the workplace, as support of university or pre-university education or simply to find out something new, related to a personal interest of each individual.
The works of the Workshop were available online, after the event, on the online educational platform UniCampus https://unicampus.ro/
The event is also available HERE: