Admission 2024 session September for courses distance learning and part-time education at the Polytechnic University of Timișoara.

Activity Scroll mode and period

Candidate Registration:

Online via Enroll:
22.08.2024 – 10.09.2024 until the hour 16:00

Physically at the centers in the faculties/CeL:
02.09.2024 - 10.09.2024 until the hour 16:00

File competition:


Display contest results:

10.09.2024, 19:00

Round I confirmations: Online via Enroll: 11.09.2024 – 12.09.2024, until 16:00

Round II display:

12.09.2024, 19:00

Round II confirmations: Online via Enroll: 13.09.2024 at 09:00 – 13.09.2024 at 16:00

Show Round III:

13.09.2024, 19:00

Confirmations Round III: Online via Enroll: 14.09.2024, 9:00 a.m. - 14.09.2024, 2:00 p.m.

Final results:

14.09.2024, 16:00

Type of admission test

Facultatea Denumirea specializării Locuri
Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies
Telecommunications technologies and systems - ID
Communication science
Communication and public relations - ID
Machine building technology - IFR
Automation and Computers
Informatics - ID

For the ID/IFR forms of education, admission is carried out through a file competition, the admission average is equal to the Baccalaureate average. This year, the admission procedure can be carried out both online (registration) and physically, at the CeL headquarters or the centers in the faculties and regional centers dedicated to admission, according to the program in the 2024 admission calendar.

The study programs are accredited by ARACIS and confer a diploma equivalent to that of full-time education, more precisely – the higher education degree of bachelor in the form of distance/part-time education, in accordance with the decision published in the Official Monitor of the Government of Romania.

Registration for the admission competition for the academic year 2024-2025 can be done both online - using the dedicated application Enroll ( ), as well as physically, at the centers in the faculties or the CeL headquarters, or the regional centers dedicated to admission, personally, by each candidate.

Mobile: (+4)0725 890 389; (+4)0725 890 988


The bachelor's degree awarded at the end of the studies is equivalent to the one from the full-time education form, the only difference being the mention of the education form. The curriculum, the courses are identical to those of the part-time education form, and the tutoring will be carried out by the same teaching staff who conduct courses in the part-time education form.

Advantages of conducting distance learning courses:

  •        2 online + 2 face-to-face meetings, in the University / semester, scheduled on Saturdays - ID
  •       online + physical meetings, Saturdays and Sundays according to the annual education plan - IFR
  •       permanent access to UPT's Campus Virtual online platform – courses, grades, assignments and administrative information
  •   exams scheduled only on Saturday and Sunday

ID/IFR students benefit from physical support at the CeL headquarters, but also online, through the Virtual Campus: course materials, assignments and activities, exam grades, administrative information, communication and direct interaction during the studies.

Telecommunication Systems and Technologies

Graduates of this specialization will become high-performance and competent specialists with a good fundamental training in the field of electronics and telecommunications, but equally trained in related fields, so that they can quickly integrate into the market economy.

They will benefit from high-level training in current areas of the labor market: integrated data and voice transmissions, audio-video and multimedia technologies, web programming, telecommunications networks, fixed and mobile telephony, online application development.

All graduates of the latest generations have found jobs in the field.  


Graduates of this specialization will become IT specialists. The computer scientist in training must be able to find complete solutions to practical data processing problems and based on the general concepts of computer science and computer science. For this, they must master the theoretical bases of computer science and the possibilities of their practical use. He/she will have to know and understand a wide spectrum of applications from technology, respectively economics. The computer scientist finds a wide field of activity in various fields of technique and economy.

They will benefit from high level training in current fields on the labor market: programming environments, development and administration of information systems, network administration, development of web applications.

Communication and public relations

For Communication and Public Relations (CRP) in the distance learning (ID) regime, the skills, qualifications and diplomas conferred are identical to those offered by the specialization in the Communication and Public Relations full-time education, the Bachelor's field of Communication Sciences. The professional title awarded to graduates upon completion of their studies is "Bachelor of Communication Sciences".

Curriculum Communication and public relations - distance education train graduates able to work as specialists in communication and public relations for occupational activities, carried out in institutions, companies, political organizations, non-governmental organizations, etc .: communication specialists and public relations, press relations specialists, spokespersons, communication and public relations consultants, human resources consultants, assistant managers, referents, language mediators.

Machine Building Technology

The Machine Construction Technology (TCM) specialization defines a profession adapted to the present and future economic evolution, connected to European and world practice, in which the mechanical engineer, in addition to the basic technical training in the Industrial Engineering profile, is trained in operational skills for the productive sector in general but also for the sphere of services and product promotion.

The professional profile of the TCM engineer offers our graduates diversified possibilities of integration on the labor market in industrial sectors or services such as: the production of components, sub-assemblies or industrial or manufacturing products, for the motor vehicle (automotive), energy, air transport industry , naval or railway, industrial equipment, household appliances, measuring and control devices, car mechanics, maintenance and repairs in the mechanical field.

The study programs are accredited* by ARACIS and confer the same diploma as in the case of part-time education, the bachelor's degree in distance / part-time education (according to HG607 / 2014).


*(TCM and CRP provisional authorization pending accreditation)

ID has very good and dedicated teachers who helped me to acquire knowledge in such dynamic field of information technology through modern and interactive courses. Through continuous study, work at the company, competitions, an internship in Finland and other online courses and specializations that I followed with great passion, I think I managed to accumulate a lot of experience during the faculty and be one step ahead of my colleagues , upon completion of undergraduate studies.

The world in which we live today and the industries in which we work are constantly evolving and are technologicalizing very quickly, and we are forced not to stop learning throughout life, in order to remain relevant in the fields in which we work. Also, as the way of working changes, the work schedules become more flexible to allow people to carry out their responsibilities.

Thus, I consider that probably the best option that gives us the necessary knowledge, the flexibility to follow our interests and the model of continuous learning is such a distance specialization, which I am very satisfied that I followed.

Victor Holotescu – ID Informatics graduate, class of 2016

What is my goal at UPT – TCM-IFR?

We all have dreams, mine was to become an engineer. It happened at the age of 27, less than 2 months after the start of the UPT-TCM-IFR courses. You just have to believe in your dream and most importantly know what you want.

IFR gave me the chance for a new life. I admit that my family is in the first place, but at the same time I manage my time quite well (considering attending classes, only on weekends) and I allocate the time left after work to both study (curiosity, interest and passion) and moments spent with loved ones, to evolve not only intellectually but also socially, spiritually and physically.

IFR recommendations?

Yes, I recommended it to all people, regardless of age, people who didn't have the courage or who thought it was not the time. "Every day you wake up and have a second chance to do what you want, to be who you want, the only thing that can stop you is you".

Marius Bundac – IV year student – IFR Machine Construction Technology   

I haven't forgotten about college. From the moment I was admitted to the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Timișoara Polytechnic University, I knew that my place was here. I chose the Communication and Public Relations specialization because it has something special, something that makes you stay close to the teaching staff and deepen the field as much as possible. This faculty offers you diverse directions of development and learning and undoubtedly puts you in front of extraordinary opportunities to know and develop. This is the right place for someone who wants to enter the world of advertising, PR or in general, the world of communication. For me, the three years of studentship at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, specializing in Communication and Public Relations, meant a step that brings you closer to professional status in a field that is always current and of interest. With the help of the tutors, the teaching staff, who supported me throughout the three years of college, the step was not difficult to climb.

In conclusion, I urge all of you who love the field of communication and are interested in understanding how much we rely on the communication act, with all its species, in the field of Communication and Public Relations to take advantage of the chance to evolve! Taste everything and choose what suits you!

Violeta Oneț - graduate Communication and Public Relations ID - 2019 class

If you are already employed and don't have time to do a full-time college to help you in your field, distance college is the best for you! So did I! I believe in continuous learning and education and I encourage you to do so too! Especially in the field you are passionate about!

Ludmila Focsa-Popovici – ETC ID 2018

CeL website:



Instagram: @elearning_upt




ID / IFR and e-Learning Center


(+4)0725 890 389

(+4)0725 890 988


The fees associated with the entrance examination for undergraduate university studies established by the UPT for the academic year 2024-2025 are:

Tip taxă Valoare
Registration fee
150 lei
Confirmation fee
100 lei
Equivalence fee for completed studies
(it is charged only to the candidates declared admitted and
must be paid with the confirmation fee - partial equivalence)
150 lei

Admission fees (registration / confirmation) can be paid:

1. ONLINE, with the card, through the Enroll platform or

2. In the following account opened at UniCredit Bank *:

The Politehnica University of Timișoara
FISCAL Code: 4269282
IBAN account: RO90 BACX 0000 0030 1782 5061
  - Payment order fees

Read the registration instructions carefully, then prepare documents required for scanned registration in .jpg or .png format.

Time Estimated completion of data for online registration is 15-20 minutes.

Tuition fees

Specializare Forma de studiu Taxa/an de studiu
Distance learning
3600 lei
Telecommunication Systems and Technologies
Distance learning
3600 lei
Communication and Public Relations
Distance learning
2550 lei
Machine Construction Technologies
Part-time education
3600 lei

The registration file, generated through the application Enroll, will contain the following elements:

  • Registration form which will be generated after completing all the required information in the Enroll platform. It will contain the personal data of the candidate, data on the preparation of the candidate, respectively the section and the fields in which he wants to register;
  • Copy of the baccalaureate diploma or equivalent diploma; for candidates who passed the baccalaureate exam in the summer session of the 2023-2024 school year, the diploma-substitute certificate issued by the educational institution is also accepted; 
  • Certified by equivalence of the baccalaureate diploma issued by CNRED (for candidates who have graduated from a high school in another country).
  • copy of the transcript with the grades obtained during high school, prepared according to the legislation in force;
  • copy of the identity card of the candidate;
  • copy of the birth certificate;
  • copy of the medical certificate issued by the family doctor from which to result the medical aptitude for the fields to which the candidate belongs; candidates with chronic diseases will present medical certificates endorsed by the family doctor which will explicitly mention the degree of deficiencies, depending on their location, based on the diagnosis established by the specialist; failure to report these conditions entails the institutional consequences in force; medical certificates must NOT be endorsed by the doctors of the Student Polyclinic from Timișoara;
  • photo copy diploma type color;
  • copy of the proof of payment of the registration fee – The enrollment fee is paid online, through the Enroll application. In extreme cases, the fee can be paid to the account allocated for the collection of registration fees, in which case a copy of the proof of payment of the registration fee will be uploaded to the platform (the proof issued by the bank must contain the following text: "registration fee for the UPT license admission, Factultate... session July/September 2024, for..."(the name of the candidate will be mentioned)
  • only if the candidate requests an exemption from the registration fee, it will attach a copy of the proving document: certificate issued by the educational institution attesting the situation of the parent / parents / legal supporters / candidate (the cases from art. 24, letters a), b) h) and i); death certificates of the parent (s) and certificate from the educational institution (cases from art. 24, letter c); parental death certificates (the case from art. 24, letter d); certificates from the orphanage (the case from art. 24, letter e); death certificate and the title issued according to Law no. 341/2004 (the case from art. 24, letter f); title issued according to Law no. 341/2004 (the case from art. 24, letter g); 
  • copy of the bachelor's degree or certificate of graduation and the transcript in the case of candidates already licensed or with a certificate of graduation;
  • copy of the student certificate and the partial transcript, in the case of candidates already students;

Candidates for the Faculty of Communication Sciences will also attach a copy of the certificate obtained after taking the language proficiency test (according to Art. 4) or a copy of one of the following documents (corresponding to the language of the study program involved):

  • Certificate / diploma for passing the exams with international recognition for the certification of language skills in a foreign language, according to the provisions of MEC, no. 5543/12 December 2019
  • Certificate of Proficiency in English CAE-Certificate in Advanced English;
  • FCE - First Certificate in English;
  • CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English;
  • IELTS-International English Language Testing System;
  • TOEFL-Test of English as a Foreign Language;
  • DSP-Deutsches Sprachdiplom;
  • ÖSP- Österreichisches Sprachdiplom;
  • TEST DaF- stoves B, B;
  • High school diploma with teaching in French (only for candidates for the Faculty of Communication Sciences), German or English;
  • Certificate proving that they have studied French, English or German for at least 4 years of study during pre-university education (secondary and high school)

Important clarifications

In the procedure for verifying the competition dossier, the commission has the right to request clarifications from the candidate or information from the institutions issuing the documents. If it is found that the digital / scanned documents do not correspond to reality, the candidate will be removed from the competition.

Frequent questions

Distance education confers the same diploma as in the case of studies in the form of full-time education and the curriculum and courses are identical to those in the form of full-time education. The difference lies in the number of face-to-face meetings with teachers. In the case of distance learning, there are 4 meetings in the university, every semester, only on weekends. At the same time, the administration of the topics / projects and the course support are carried out through the UPT Virtual Campus platform.

Not. In the ID / IFR study regime, the exams are held during the session, at the faculty headquarters, but they are scheduled only on weekends.

Admission for ID / IFR education is organized through a file competition. The tie-breaking criterion is the average obtained at the Baccalaureate.

Yes. If you have graduated from a bachelor's degree or have taken part-time specialization courses, the subjects common to the specialization curriculum to which you are applying may be equivalent. The equivalence process involves attaching to the admission file an application for equivalence, together with proof of the equivalence fee and the full or partial transcript of the graduated license cycle.

The enrollment file for one of the ID / IFR specializations must contain the following documents:

  • registration form which will be generated after completing all the required information in the Enroll platform. It will contain the personal data of the candidate, data on the preparation of the candidate, respectively the section and the fields in which he wants to register;
  • copy of the baccalaureate diploma or equivalent diploma; for the candidates who passed the baccalaureate exam in the summer session of the school year 2020-2021, the diploma-substitute certificate issued by the educational institution is also accepted; 
  • Certified by equivalence of the baccalaureate diploma issued by CNRED (for candidates who have graduated from a high school in another country).
  • copy of the transcript with the grades obtained during high school, prepared according to the legislation in force;
  • copy of the identity card of the candidate;
  • copy of the birth certificate;
  • copy of the medical certificate issued by the family doctor from which to result the medical aptitude for the fields to which the candidate belongs; candidates with chronic diseases will present medical certificates endorsed by the family doctor which will explicitly mention the degree of deficiencies, depending on their location, based on the diagnosis established by the specialist; failure to report these conditions entails the institutional consequences in force; medical certificates must NOT be endorsed by the doctors of the Student Polyclinic from Timișoara;
  • photo copy diploma type color;
  • copy of the proof of payment of the registration fee - in the account allocated for the collection of registration fees (the proof issued by the bank must contain the following text: "UPT admission fee, Faculty… and Faculty… session July / September 2022, for…." (the name of the candidate will be mentioned), in case the payment was not made online; 
  • only if the candidate requests an exemption from the registration fee, it will attach a copy of the proving document: certificate issued by the educational institution attesting the situation of the parent / parents / legal supporters / candidate (the cases from art. 24, letters a), b) h) and i); death certificates of the parent (s) and certificate from the educational institution (cases from art. 24, letter c); parental death certificates (the case from art. 24, letter d); certificates from the orphanage (the case from art. 24, letter e); death certificate and the title issued according to Law no. 341/2004 (the case from art. 24, letter f); title issued according to Law no. 341/2004 (the case from art. 24, letter g); 
  • copy of the student certificate and the partial transcript, in the case of candidates already students;
  • bachelor's or graduate diploma and transcript of transcript / partial transcript - in the case of students who have graduated or partially attended the courses of other faculties and want the equivalence of certain disciplines

Candidates for the Faculty of Communication Sciences will also attach the certificate obtained after taking the language proficiency test (according to Art. 4) or a certified copy of one of the following documents (corresponding to the language of the study program involved):

Admission 2018 (link)

Admission 2017 (link)

Admission 2016 (link)

Admission 2015 (link)

Admission 2014 (link)