Dimitra Vinatsella
Dimitra Vinatsella, Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece RO: Dimitra Vinatsella has a degree in "Informatics and Telecommunications" (2003) and a master's degree in "Communication Systems and Networks" (2007) at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. In 2007, he joined the Greek Ministry [...]
Arnold Pears
Arnold Pears, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, president-elect IEEE Education RO: Arnold Pears is actively involved in engineering education research with the aim of improving the understanding of effective engineering teaching methodologies in various social contexts. He emphasizes the multifaceted nature of engineering education, which extends beyond knowledge […]
Oana Romocea
Oana Romocea, Revoluția BioArt RO: Oana Romocea built her career in academic communication at Oxford University and other academic and research institutions. He most recently worked for the Public Policy Department at the UK's National Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research, The Alan Turing Institute. Within these institutions of [...]
Sonja Schachinger
Sonja Schachinger – Producer, curator and mediator in art and science, Revoluția BioArt RO: Sonja Schachinger is an independent producer, curator and mediator in the interdisciplinary field of art and science from Austria. She has extensive experience in the field of international exhibitions and has already worked for Atelier Victoria Coeln, Biofaction KG, Studio Sonja Bäumel and […]
Emilian Porumb
Emilian Porumb, Politehnica University Timișoara RO: Emilian Porumb graduated from the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Politehnica University of Timișoara and is currently part of the ID/IFR and digital education Department team. Although he has a background in communication and human interactions, Emilian has developed a passion for digital and 3D modeling, [...]
Sarah Bosch
Sarah Bosch, Saxion University of Applied Sciences RO: Sarah Bosch is coordinator of the Video Unit Coordination team and lecturer in Creative Affairs (ACT) at Saxion University, Netherlands. In her role, she leads and coordinates the Video Unit team, while sharing her expertise with Creative Business students. With an accent […]
Markus Seidl
Prof. Markus Seidl: Fachhochschule St. Pölten GmbH, Academic Director of Creative Computing (BA) RO: Markus Seidl is an expert in computer vision and pattern recognition, known for his extensive involvement in digital heritage projects. Between 2010 and 2016, he collaborated with archaeologists on the digital documentation of rock art and analysis methods, […]
Rune Andersen
Prof. Rune Andersen: University of Agder, Head of Program for Academic Esports at the department of ICT RO: Rune Andersen is the director of the Academic e-Sports Program at the ICT department of the University of Agder, Norway. His research focuses on e-Sports in academia, games and didactic games, as well as multimedia and e-learning. Work […]