Liviu Marșavina

Liviu Marșavina

Liviu Marșavina, Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy


Liviu Marșavina It is puniversity professor, doctor of engineering at the Polytechnic University of Timișoara (UPT), and since 2018 he is a Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy. Prof. Marșavina contributed significantly to the development of the field of mechanics of materials in Romania, and the groups of doctoral students coordinated by him have the most important contributions in the world for the determination of fracture toughness in mixed fracture modes, with publications in the most important journals in the field: Polymer Testing, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Engineering Failure Analysis, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. As an international recognition Prof. Marșavina was invited to present two cycles of courses at International Center for Mechanical Sciences – CISM Udine, ITALY namely "Fracture Mechanics of Cellular Solids" in 2009, respectively "Failure and Damage in Cellular Materials" in 2013. Throughout his career, he led numerous national and European research projects, trained numerous students and PhD students, and received awards and distinctions for his research activity:

  • Vice-president of the Romanian Fracture Mechanics Association (since 2006);
  • Vice-President of the European Structural Integrity Society (since 2018);
  • Honorary member of the Italian Group of Fracture (since 2019);
  • The research results are materialized in fish 175 items indexed Web of Science (of which more than 100 articles in specialized journals) and several book chapters published in prestigious publishing houses (Springer, Trans Tech). These they have been cited over 1800 times in specialized literature;


Liviu Marșavina is a professor of engineering at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT), and since 2018 he is a Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy. Prof. Marșavina has contributed significantly to the development of the field of materials mechanics in Romania, and the Ph.D. groups coordinated by him have the most important contributions in the world for the determination of fracture toughness in mixed fracture modes, with publications in the most important journals in the field: Polymer Testing, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Engineering Failure Analysis, Theoretical, and Applied Fracture Mechanics. As an international recognition Prof. Marșavina has been invited to present two cycles of lectures at the International Center for Mechanical Sciences – CISM Udine, ITALY, namely "Fracture Mechanics of Cellular Solids" in 2009 and "Failure and Damage in Cellular Materials" in 2013 Throughout his career, he has led numerous national and European research projects, trained numerous students and Ph.D. students, and received awards and honors for his research work:

  • Vice President of the Romanian Association for Surface Mechanics (since 2006);
  • Vice-President of the European Structural Integrity Society (since 2018);
  • Honorary member of the Italian Group of Fracture (since 2019);
  • Research results are materialized in more than 175 Web of Science indexed articles (of which more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals) and several book chapters published in prestigious publishers (Springer, Trans Tech). They have been cited more than 1800 times in the literature;


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Open Education Week Workshop 2024 -74 Weeks 03/08/2024


Bl. Vasile Parvan, no. 2 B, Floor IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300



The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication and Public Relations in distance education under license cycle and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of license cycle.