05/10/2019 - 09:00
05/10/2019 - 10:00
ID / IFR and eLearning Center, Documentation and Technology Transfer Center (UPT Library), Bv. Vasile Parvan Nr. 2B, Timisoara, et. N View map
They sang "Gaudeamus" and the anthem Politehnici, met their teachers for the first time and learned to use the digital platform through which they will study in the coming years - all on a Saturday morning, when students of ID specializations (distance learning) ) and IFR (part-time education) at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara participated in the opening of the 2019-2020 academic year.
The opening ceremony began with the singing of the traditional "Gaudeamus" and the anthem of the Polytechnic and the host of the event was the director of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center, Dr. Eng. Diana Andone. She took the floor and wished the "freshmen" a warm welcome from the CeL team.
He then took the floor conf. univ. dr. eng. Florin Drăgan, vice-rector of UPT and teacher in Computer Science. He congratulated the students for their choice and told them about his interactions with former ID students, students with a higher average age than today, but with a much more serious and motivated approach.
"This year you are the 100th generation to start college at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara. This is a university that has a tradition, and probably the difference between us and other universities with a tradition is that we pay special attention to this form of education. So welcome!", Said the vice-rector of UPT in front of the students.
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computers - conf. Dr. eng. Ciprian-Bogdan Chirilă encouraged "freshmen" to complete their IT specialization, recalling the success of the IT field in the West, but also the benefits that jobs bring in the IT area
"It simply came to our notice then. Informatics is a leading field in the Timisoara industry. And we also have jobs in the field. In UPT we have technology, we have support and the Virtual Campus is very high. I wish you success!", explained Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ciprian-Bogdan Chirilă, who is also a teacher in Computer Science.
One of the promoters of distance education in UPT for more than two decades and, at the same time, teacher in Computer Science specialization - prof. univ. dr. eng. Lăcrămioara Stoicu-Tivadar spoke to those in the room about the positive experiences of those who managed to complete the bachelor's degree in ID.
"It will not be easy. It will be a challenge, but when you finish, you will feel great. You will feel fulfilled and the family will be very proud of you. That's what I see every summer at the graduation ceremony. ", said prof. univ. dr. eng. Lăcrămioara Stoicu-Tivadar students.
The Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies was represented by dean prof. dr. eng. Florin Alexa, which wished the distance students a smooth, simple and easy journey.
"I know that some people take a plane and come to the exam in the morning in the distance, but your efforts will be rewarded. And I say that because we are in a technological revolution and we see this in everyday life. Good luck!", wished Prof. Dr. Eng. Florin Alexa to the students in the room.
Also from the faculty of ETCTI, the academic responsible for distance learning and promoter of this form of education from the beginning, prof. univ. Dr. Radu Vasiu spoke to students about the long-term benefits of the distance learning system.
"In my opinion, the fact that you work and study at ID is not a compromise, but represents the future. All the studies say that in the future, when we will have completely different jobs compared to today, you will probably work the majority for some companies thousands of kilometers away ”, explained prof. univ. dr. eng. Radu Vasiu to new students.
He spoke on behalf of the Faculty of Communication Sciences prof. univ. dr. Daniel Dejica-Carțiș, dean of the faculty and teacher in the CRP ID specialization.
"Welcome to UPT, SC and, implicitly, CeL. We all look with enthusiasm, emotion and pride. You are the promotion that enters the centenary year and there will be many scientific events on this occasion, in which we invite you all to participate ", communicated to them by prof. univ. dr. Daniel Dejica-Carțiș students.
Academic Head for Distance Education from Communication and Public Relations and Professor in the department, conf. Dr. Gabriel-Mugurel Dragomir encouraged students to approach the courses in an organized manner.
"I had very good results with the ID students and I realized that it is possible. I wish you to organize your efforts and see you well in 3 years ", Dr. Gabriel-Mugurel Dragomir wished those in the room.
The only specialization in part-time education - Machine Building Technology within the Faculty of Mechanics was represented by Conf. Dr. Eng. Aurel Tulcan, vice dean of the faculty.
"Welcome to the Faculty of Mechanics. Most of you worked and I think most of you came here to perform. It will not be easy, but what is easy passes easily and what is difficult is worth it. Good luck! ”, Said Dr. Eng. Aurel Tulcan to the“ freshmen ”.
The academic manager for the TCM - IFR specialization, etc. Dr. Eng. Adrian Dume encouraged students to work in a team for the best results.
"At TCM we will see each other many times, it's hard, there are many hours and some come from far away. I encourage you to develop a good collaboration between you. You need this because you will do the projects together. Welcome!", said and so on. Dr. Eng. Adrian Dume.
Dr. Eng. Diana Andone, director of CeL and teacher in the specialization TST - ID ended the festivity with the guarantee that the form of education ID / IFR will bring other benefits to new students.
"Do not be harmed and do not give up! We guarantee that you will learn new things and, on top of that, through the study methods provided in ID / IFR education, you will learn how to learn. A recent Forbes study says that more than 93%s of engineering staff need to learn something new every month. You can only do this online or by learning to find your own sources. And you have the advantage of doing this in distance and part-time courses. ", explained Dr. Eng. Diana Andone.
At the end of the event, the new students participated in a training to use the UPT platform - Virtual Campus - the official education support platform in ID and IFR regime. On the same day, the students of the 4 specializations - Informatics, Telecommunication Technologies and Systems, Communication and Public Relations and Machine Building Technology entered the classrooms and participated in the first day of ID / IFR courses.
The Polytechnic University of Timișoara, through the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center, organized on Saturday, October 5, the Opening Ceremony of the 2019-2020 academic year for students attending distance and part-time courses. Hundreds of students participated in the event and both representatives of the UPT management and of the faculties that have in their portfolio specializations in ID / IFR regime spoke.