European Distance Education Week
European Distance Learning Week
Organized by EDEN - European Distance and E-Learning Network
In cooperation with the National Distance Learning Week (NDLW) in the US, organized by the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)
Save the date - November 7 - 11, 2016
After a successful partnership between EDEN and USDLA in organizing National Distance Learning Week (NDLW) in the US in 2015, EDEN will organize the first European Distance Learning Week (EDLW), further expanding upon its collaboration with the US and other EDEN international partnerships.
Since EDLW will be organized for the first time this year, EDEN invites other European, regional, and national associations to contribute and participate in the following webinars scheduled for the week:
Each webinar will take place at 13:00 - 14:30 CET at the same webinar room:
Join us for the following events - participation is open!
European Distance Learning Week: European achievements and innovations
Monday, November 7, 2016, 13: 00-14: 30 CET
Format: Panel debate and introduction to the week
Moderator: Airina Volungeviciene, EDEN President
Please click here for a more detailed description of the event
Click here to register
Quality in open, online and technology enhanced learning
Tuesday, November 8, 2016, 13: 00-14: 30 CET
Format: Presentations and discussion
Moderator: Wim Van Petegem, EDEN Vice President
Short description of the event (coming soon)
Click here to register
Evolving Open Education: life beyond MOOCs
Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 13: 00-14: 30 CET
Format: Presentations and discussion
Moderator: Fabio Nascimbeni, EDEN Executive Committee member
Please click here for a more detailed description of the event
Click here to register
Validation and recognition of non-formal open learning
Thursday, November 10, 2016, 13: 00-14: 30 CET
Format: Presentation and discussions
Moderator: Sandra Kucina, EDEN Vice President
Please click here for a more detailed description of the event
Click here to register
Digital skills in teaching and learning - are we on the right track?
Friday, November 11, 2016, 13: 00-14: 30 CET
Format: Reflection on New Digital Skills Agenda from Different Countries
Moderator: Lisa Marie Blaschke, EDEN Vice President
Please click here for a more detailed description of the event
Click here to register
If you are a representative of a national association, you may wish to organize your national distance learning week, that we would happily promote as part of the activities under the EDEN umbrella.
Other contributions from European education organizations to European Distance Learning Week organized by EDEN
Education Policy and Digitalization
Monday, November 7, 2016, 14: 00-15: 00 CET
Format: Presentation and discussions
Moderator: Oliver Janoschka
Virtual venue address and short description of the event (coming soon)
EDEN also contributes to USDLA National Distance Learning Week with additional webinars.