IEEE International Conference - ICALT 2017
17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies - ICALT2017, July 3-7, 2017, Timisoara
The Politehnica University of Timișoara invites you to participate in
Opening ceremony on Monday, July 3, 2017 at 9:00, UPT Auditorium (Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Bul. V. Parvan No. 2B, Timisoara)
plenary proceedings of 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies - ICALT2017 in the period July 3-7, 2017 of Timisoara, conference organized by the International Association IEEE Computer Society, in partnership with the Polytechnic University of Timisoara through the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CEL).
At the 17th edition of the International Conference on Advanced Educational Technologies (ICALT2017) are expected around 200 participants from around the world, being registered specialists from 36 countries.
Among the renowned specialists in educational technologies who will participate with presentations at ICALT 2017, special guests will give presentations in plenary sessions:
- Monday, July 3, 2017 at 9:00, UPT Auditorium
Prof. Dragan Gasevic, University of Edinburgh, UK - Learning Analytics: Beyond Data Science of Learning (Profit Analysis: Beyond Data Science of Learning) - Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 9:00, UPT Auditorium:
Prof. Kong Siu Cheung, Education University of Hong Kong, China - Design of a Programming Course in Senior Primary Schools for Computational Thinking Development (Design of a Programming Course in Primary Schools for the Development of Computational Thinking)
Dr. Carmen Simon, Reximedia, USA - The Neuroscience of Memorable Content
- Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at 9:00, Auditorium UPT:
Martin Dougiamas, CEO and Founder, Moodle, Australia - Moodle as an open platform for research and development of online learning (Moodle as an open platform for research and development of online learning) - Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 2:30 p.m., Amphitheater K2:
Women in Engineering WIE panel
All plenary sessions will be broadcast online at https://icalt.elearning.upt.ro/live
The conference program is at http://www.ieee-icalt.org/
IEEE is the largest professional technical organization in the world, dedicated to the development of technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire the global community to innovate for a better future through its 420,000 members in more than 160 countries and its well-known publications, conferences, technology standards, professional and technological activities. IEEE is the trusted "voice" for engineering, computing and information technology around the globe.
ICALT (International Conference of Advanced Learning Technologies) is the annual international conference on advanced educational technologies and technology-assisted education organized by the IEEE Society of Computer Science and the Technical Committee for Educational Technologies. Since its debut as IWALT in Palmerston North, New Zealand (2000), ICALT has been organized in Madison, USA (2001), Kazan, Russia (2002), Athens, Greece (2003), Joensuu, Finland (2004), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2005), Kerkrade, The Netherlands (2006), Niigata, Japan (2007), Santander, Spain (2008), Riga, Lithuania (2009), Sousse, Tunisia (2010), Athens, Georgia, USA (2011) , Rome, Italy (2012), Beijing, China (2013), Athens, Greece (2014), Hualien, Taiwan (2015), and Austin, Texas, USA (2016). The 17th edition of the International Conference on Advanced Educational Technologies (ICALT2017) will take place in Timișoara, Romania, between July 3 and 7, 2017. The Polytechnic University of Timișoara is the host of the event.
The Scientific Committee of ICALT 2017 consists of experts and professors from the USA, Australia, China and Taiwan, Sweden and Romania. The conference also has a scientific committee for each main section of the conference: Romania (3), Australia (9), Spain (7), Austria (2), Hong Kong (4), China (5), Sweden (2), Canada (5), United States (10), Greece (5), Taiwan (15), Japan, Netherlands (2), Malaysia, Norway, South Africa, Singapore, Macao, Turkey, Mexico, India (2) , Cyprus, Tunisia, Italy (3), Brazil, Serbia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Portugal and Malta.
The 2017 ICALT conference is built around the following main sections, targeting key research areas:
1.Technologies for education and open learning (i-OPENLearn)
2.Adaptive and personalized, technologically enhanced education (APTeL)
3. Wireless, mobile, universal and ubiquitous technologies for education (WMUTE)
4.Improved education through digital games and smart toys (DIGITEL)
5.Computer Assisted Education (CSCL)
6. Technology-enhanced assessment in formal and informal education (TeASSESS)
7.Big Data in Education and Learning Analytics (BDELA)
8. Technology-enhanced science, technology, engineering and mathematics education (TeSTEM)
9.Language-enhanced technology learning (TELL)
10. Motivational and affective aspects in technologically enhanced education (MA-TEL)
11. Learning Technologically Sustainable Thinking Skills (TELoTS)
12.Recommendation and decision support systems for learning (ReSyL)
13. Technologically supported education for people with disabilities (TeDISABLE)
14.Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Learning Environments (AISLE)
15. Augmented reality and virtual worlds in education and training (VWET)
16.Educational innovations in 3D production and printing spaces (Make & 3DPrint)
17.Applications of semantic web technologies for education (SW-EL)
18.Affective Computing in Education (AffectLearn)
19.Doctoral School
There were 244 papers submitted for ICALT 2017, of which 181 were accepted (Complete paper - 55, Short paper - 87, Poster paper - 39) and 157 registered and included for presentation at the conference.
The reviewers were from 54 countries: Argentina, Australia (23), Austria (6), Belgium, Brazil (2), Bulgaria, Canada (32), China (22), Colombia (2), Croatia (2), Cyprus (2), Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia (4), France (5), Germany (26), Greece (25), Hong Kong (21), India (9), Ireland (3), Italy (13 ), Japan (9), Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau (2), Malaysia, Malta (2), Mexico (5), The Netherlands (12), New Zealand (3), Norway (5), Portugal (3), Romania (14), Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia (2), Singapore (7), Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain (26), Sweden (5), Switzerland (2), Taiwan (77) , Thailand, Tunisia (3), Turkey (3), United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom (17), United States of America (68), and Uruguay.
Registered participants come from 36 countries: Australia (5), Austria, Belgium, Brazil (10), Canada (4), Chile (2), China (13), Colombia (2), Estonia (3), Finland, France (9), Germany (9) Greece (7), Hong Kong (2), India (5), Ireland (5), Italy (8), Japan (10), Malaysia, Mexico (3), Netherlands, New Zealand , Norway (2), Qatar, Romania (9), Serbia, Spain (8), Sri Lanka (4), Sweden, Taiwan (18), Tunisia (3), Turkey (2), United Arab Emirates (4), United Kingdom (4) and United States of America (5). Together with the scientific committee of the conference, with the main speakers, the conference will reach 190 participants.
The 4 special guests who will present in the plenary session of the ICALT Conference 2017 are:
Professor Dragan Gasevic, with a presentation on Learning Analysis: Beyond Learning Data Science, is a professor and chair of analytics and computer science at the Moray House School of Education and the University of Edinburgh School of Computer Science. As president (2015-2017) and co-founder of the Learning Analytics Research Society (SoLAR), he had the pleasure of co-chairing the International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK) in 2011, in 2012 former general president of LAK in 2016, co-president of the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) in 2013 and 2014 and editor of the Journal of Learning Analytics.
Prof. KONG Siu Cheung, with a presentation on Designing a Programming Course in Primary Schools for the Development of Computational Thinking, is currently a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT); and director of the Center for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) at the University of Education in Hong Kong. Prof. Kong is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL) and the journal Computers of Education in Education (JCE).
Dr. Carmen Simon, with a presentation on the Neuroscience of Content Memorization, is a neurologist and co-founder of RexiMedia, a company that uses the science of understanding brain function to help institutions create memorable messages. She is also an author with numerous well-known publications, an expert in using memory to influence decision-making. His latest book, The Impossible to Ignore: Creating Memorable Content to Influence Decisions, won recognition from publications such as Inc.com, Forbes and Fast Company and was selected as one of the top ten books of the year. He holds two doctorates in training technology and cognitive psychology and is originally from Timisoara.
Martin Dougiamas, with a presentation on Moodle as an open platform for research and development of online learning, is best known as the founder of the open source project Moodle, which offers a free learning platform, currently used in every country around the world and in every sector of education. In some countries, Moodle is the standard learning platform for approximately 90%s in all schools and universities. As CEO of Moodle Pty Ltd (based in Perth, Australia) he leads the company with 50 software developers and educators who guide and support the Moodle project (including MoodleCloud, Moodle Mobile, Moodle Academy and other initiatives). Moodle Pty Ltd has also created a global network of 85 Moodle Partner certified companies to help fund this independent software project through a business model that has proven sustainable over the past 12 years.
Statements by the Presidents:
Professor Demetrios G. Sampson (Curtin University, Australia), IEEE Technical Committee, President of the Technology Department and President General of IEEE ICALT 2017, said that “ICALT has reached its 17th edition and we are more than happy that our partners and friends at the Polytechnic University Timisoara decided to host it. The quality of this year's works is very high and we hope to see and hear extremely interesting opinions related to our fields ".
Prof. univ. Dr. Radu Vasiu (President of the Senate, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania), President of IEEE ICALT 2017, says that it is a great honor and pleasure for the Polytechnic University of Timișoara to host the first conference held by IEEE in Timișoara. This year's conference is under the patronage of Timisoara City Hall and is one of the first actions in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the founding of UPT and the university's involvement in the Timisoara 2021 program. All information about the conference can be found in a mobile application developed by the Multimedia Center team. We are ready to welcome the 180 participants, offering them a special educational, cultural and tourist experience, hoping that they will return with joy when Timisoara will be the European Capital of Culture in 2021. ”
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/IEEE_ICALT
website http://www.ieee-icalt.org/
IOS and Android mobile application: ICALT2017
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