Important information regarding taking the ID/IFR exams - session SEMESTER I, academic year 2022 - 2023
On January 14-15, 2023, the session begins for all students enrolled at ID/IFR.
The exams are taken PHYSICALLY at the faculty headquarters, according to the schedule available on the Virtual Campus (Calendar section) and on the website here.
Each student has the right to give (for each discipline) 3 presentations at the exam (presentation 1 and 2 – free of charge, presentation 3 – with a fee).
To respond to requests from ID/IFR students, 2 possible timetable scenarios for the exams were developed. They can choose any of the 2 options (provided the number of presentations is respected):
- exams on Saturday and/or Sunday, as listed in the Virtual Campus Calendar since the beginning of semester l.
- exams given compactly, from Thursday to Sunday, in the period: February 23-26, 2023. This requires that interested students come prepared to take several exams in a few days.
The l-semester session will take place as follows:
Presentation l - PHYSICAL, at the faculty headquarters, according to the initial plan, submitted at the beginning of the semester, uploaded (and updated) in the Calendar section of CVUPT
2nd presentation - PHYSICAL, at the faculty headquarters, according to the initial plan, submitted at the beginning of the semester, uploaded (and updated) in the Calendar section of CVUPT
- PHYSICS, at the faculty headquarters from THURSDAY to SUNDAY – Special Session, between February 23-26, 2023
Presentation 3 - PHYSICAL, at the faculty headquarters, according to the initial plan, submitted at the beginning of the semester, uploaded (and updated) in the Calendar section of CVUPT
In order to come to the aid of those who travel from a long distance, the CeL team contacted the Social Directorate (Student Dormitory Administrator). You can request hotel accommodation, at the dormitory, on the days/weekends when there are exams, for 50 Ron/night or at Hotel Casa Poli 1 (CP1) (with a discount of 50%). Occupancy of accommodation is subject to availability, each interested student having the obligation to inquire in advance (at least one week) about the possibility of reserving a room (contact Hotel CP1: 0256496850/ 0729980190, contact Camin: 0256404321/0256404322).
After you book the accommodation, write to us at the address contact@elearning.upt.ro so that the CeL team can confirm to both Camin and CP1 that you are a student at ID/IFR and can benefit from the mentioned discounts.
The structure of the academic year ID/IFR 2022/2023 with all the dates in which you have scheduled exams is here.
For more information please follow the Virtual Campus News Forum!