Exhibition opening: Heritage under the spotlight. Iosefin and Valeria dr. Pintea neighborhood – a novel in an exhibition

Exhibition opening: Heritage under the spotlight. Iosefin and Valeria dr. Pintea neighborhood – a novel in an exhibition

Opening of the open exhibition "Iosefin and Valeria dr. Pintea neighborhood - a novel in an exhibition" gathered dozens of visitors to the Theresa Bastion – people of culture and from the educational and business environment, seniors and young people, but also representatives of Timisoara institutions. They had the opportunity to relive the old stories of Timișoara, through the exhibits specific to the times, through the digital and augmented reality applications and through the stories from the Iosefin neighborhood, selected from the novel by Dr. Valeria Pintea.

The exhibition aimed to illustrate the history of the Iosefin neighborhood and the stories of another time in Timisoara through a collection of exhibits, data and information of cultural and historical heritage - illustrated with the help of digital technologies. Centered around the memories collected from the novel of Valeria dr. Pintea (author: Liana Maria Gomboșiu, Marineasa Publishing House, Timisoara, 2013), the event launched, besides the museological exhibition, also the pavilion exhibition of the 16 significant landmarks located in the Iosefin neighborhood, brought back to life through the augmented reality application, but also through personal stories that the community was invited to share digitally. Within the exhibition, guests were able to test the digital and augmented reality applications "Spotlight Timișoara", accessible on an interactive table and digital tablets.

Spotlight Heritage