DigiCulture 2nd project meeting in Rome
The second meeting of the DigiCulture project was held in Rome during 23-24 May 2019, host being the University of Roma Tre, with all the partners being present.
Dr. Diana Andone, about the Open VM Learning Hub at EMOOCs 2019
Dr.Ing. Diana Andone, director of the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center, presented the scientific paper: Developing the Open Virtual Mobility Learning Hub during the sixth edition of the EMOOCs 2019 summit
Workshop Open Education in the Digital Age
The Polytechnic University of Timișoara through the ID / IFR and E-Learning Center invites you to participate in the Open Education Workshop - the impact of openness.
Launch OpenVM Learning Hub
The Open Virtual Mobility project team is happy to announce the launch of the educational platform within the project
OpenVM Workshop
The OpenVM Workshop with the theme Virtual Mobility Service and Advanced Learning Technologies.
Workshop Digital Skills and Competences for the Creative Industries
What are the creative industries and what is their impact on the global economy? What are digital skills and what are digital skills and how are they validated in the creative industries? The presentation of success stories in the field of digital marketing and virtual museums but also of cultural heritage, including European were the points of interest of this workshop.
7th GirlsTech meeting in Timisoara, Romania
GirlsTech Project Meeting, Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th March 2018, E-Learning Center, Politehnica University of Timisoara
6th GirlsTech meeting in Vitoria, Spain
01 March 2018 Erasmus + Girls Tech meeting Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain 29 -20 January 2018 Monday 29 January Presentation of Spanish education system, Asier Garitaonandia, VET knowledge Basque Institute Woman and Egual Oportunities - ADA + DIANA, Ángeles Matesanz Barrios and Mónica Castellanos Torres, Woman and Equal Opportunities Institute (Equality Ministery) Round Table: Equality and immigration Inspira Project, Mª […]