Webinar #onlinetogether: From in Campus Education to Online Education
#onlinetogether #impreunaonline #covid19 #webinar
The current crisis situation has accelerated the transition to the integrated use of online tools in education, to the transition from face-to-face to online education.
Given this sudden change, universities, teachers, students must adopt new technologies and techniques. Adjustment to working and teaching online, especially for those who have always taught in a traditional classroom meant to rapidly regroup and prepare for a longer period of educational “social distancing”.
Where do we begin? How do we manage the process? What can we learn from our experiences?
These are the questions that this webinar found the answers to, under the slogan #onlinetogether.
Diana Andone, director of the eLearning Center, Politehnica University of Timisoara, presented the experience and challenges of switching from #traditionaleducation to #onlineeducation, combining theoretical methods with practical experience.
The main message sent by the director of CeL, Diana Andone, was: Only together we can create a better and safer future ❗️
The presentation is now available online:
During the webinar, approximately 220 participants were present, both from the UPT environment and from many other universities in the country. Of course, there was interest among those in secondary education as well, teachers and students, but also in companies from different fields.
Dr. Diana Andone, together with Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu Vasiu, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Florin Dragan, actively responded to the specific issues and the most pressing questions for this period, which were raised by the participants.
☑️Through this webinar, as well as the next ones from the #onlinetogether series , the Politehnica University of Timișoara aims, through the eLearning Center, to reunite the educational environment in Romania, challenged during the coronavirus pandemic.
Moderators: RADU VASIU, Professor, President of the Senate of the Politehnica University of Timișoara

Dr. Diana Andone (@ diando70) is the director of the eLearning Center of Politehnica University of Timișoara, with responsibilities in the planning and implementation of distance learning and the integration of the use of online educational technologies for all forms of education, through the UPT Virtual Campus - CVUPT . Dr. Andone is a lecturer in multimedia and web technologies, with an intense research activity at international level through various projects with European funding and multiple publications (with over 17 books, 80 scientific papers, 11 Best paper Awards). Passionate about the use of technologies in everyday life, Diana promotes the use of open resources OER and MOOCs, developing UniCampus - online courses in Romania. Dr. Andone is strongly involved in the activity of the scientific community through various management functions of international associations EDEN (Vice-president), IEEE Romania, IEEE CS TCLT, but also by supporting the activity of the regional community of start-up and innovation, cultural and social responsibility.
Couldn't attend the webinar?
Watch the live stream on YouTube, by clicking on the video below: