Prof. fiz. Irina Radinschi
Mrs. Irina Radinschi is a university professor , University Physics Department “Gheorghe Asachi” technicians from Iași where he teaches General Physics and Technical Physics courses. His research areas include General Relativity, modeling, high performance materials for constructions and environment. The teacher is also experienced in working with computer programs Maple, Mathematica, Fortran and is a regular user of Microsoft Office, Scientific WorkPlace, Adobe Flash, Java Script and HTML5. She has used Adobe Flash, Java Script and HTML5 to develop simulations of physics lab work and is the creator of a Virtual Physics Lab for students. CollegeATIII of Constructions and Installations. It is also author / co-author of 10 books and book chapters in the country and abroad, author of more than 125 scientific articles (h index 14, ResearcherID: A-6012-2016) and Lead Guest Editor at four ISI-listed journals published by internationally renowned publishers. He was the manager of four research projects, beneficiary of an international mobility grant within the Women in Physics Travel Grant 2009 program granted by IUPAP and member of 18 project teams national research.