Elena Herelea
Elena Helerea is a PhD professor, full professor until 2017 and currently an associate professor at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics. His professional career has had an upward trajectory: first as an engineering teacher at the Chemistry School Group in Făgăraş (1970-1976), […]
Edmundo Tovar
Edmundo Tovar is a professor of enterprise information technology at the Technical University of Madrid. His research interests include open education, e-learning, learning technologies, and accreditation bodies. Tovar received a PhD in computer engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He served as associate dean for Quality and Strategic Planning (2007–2012) and as executive director of the […]
Nicolae Bibu
Dr. Nicolae Bibu is Emeritus Professor at the Management department of the West University of Timisoara (WUT), Romania, where he has been teaching and researching since 1991. He has a PhD in the field of management awarded by WUT, a Master of Business Administration degree from University of Durham, UK (1995). He has been a PhD coordinator in the field of […]
Mihai Lisețchi
Dr. Mihai Lisețchi has been involved in civic participation for almost 30 years, from different perspectives, either with the citizen in the forefront, or citizen organizations (non-profit non-governmental organizations). Throughout this period he has done and continues to do activism on civic issues, having over two decades of consulting. He has been teaching at the University for several years […]
Rita Butkienė
Rita Butkienė, assoc. professor at the Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics (KTU). Her research area - information system engineering, ontologies, semantic technologies, and databases. She is also representing the research group - Semantics and Knowledge-Based Engineering of Information Systems. During the period 2012-2019, she was the head of the Department of Information Systems, from 2019 until now […]
Ralf Brüning
Fachhochschule des Mittelstands - FHM Fachhochschule des Mittelstands - FHM Dr. Ralf Brüning has German Citizenship, and since 2013, after numerous professional experiences, his career is focused on Professorship in economic sciences, manly Marketing Management, Market Research and Entrepreneurship, at the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany. Dr. Brüning has numerous […]
Carlos Vaz de Carvalho
Polytechnic Institute of Porto Professor at Engineering School of the Porto Polytechnic (ISEP). Director of Virtual Campus, an SME of Technology Enhanced Learning and Serious Games. Carlos has a PhD in Technologies and Information Systems from the University of Minho, focusing on the use of e-learning in Higher Education. He started his research career at INESC […]
Martin Dougiamas
EN Martin Dougiamas is the founder and CEO of the open-source Moodle software project he started in 1999. The Moodle platform consists of a number of products, but the best-known is Moodle LMS, which allows educators in all sectors to create private educational spaces online, filled with tools for collaborative learning. Martin has a mixed […]