Professors & Guests

Josep Duarte

Dr Duart holds a doctorate in Pedagogy from Ramon Llull University (URL), Barcelona, and a Master in Business Administration from ESADE Business School, Barcelona. He qualified from the University of Barcelona (UB) with a bachelor's degree in History and in Education, and also has a teaching qualification. He is former vice president for Postgraduate Studies [...]

Jesus G. Apothecary

Jesus G. Boticario has held several positions at UNED in connection with the use of IT in education. He is currently a teacher at the School of Computer Science. He is the head of the aDeNu research group, scientific coordinator in European and national projects, president of CORE conferences and organizer of the series of workshops on modeling and user accessibility. It is also […]


Bl. Vasile Parvan, no. 2 B, Floor IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300



The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication and Public Relations in distance education under license cycle and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of license cycle.