
Professors & Guests

Mary Cooch

Mary Cooch - Educational Manager, Moodle Language teacher since 1985, Mary started teaching with Moodle in 2006 and joined Moodle HQ in 2013. Mary holds a master's degree in Mixed and Online Education and as an education manager , developed courses on the Learn Moodle website, as well as the Program […]

Anna Krassa

En: Anna Krassa - Educational Advisor, Moodle Anna graduated from the Faculty of Library Science and Information Science, but has been working with Moodle since 2005. She first worked with the University of Macedonia's Greek School Network Research Team, where she was introduced to Software open source and asynchronous eLearning. In 2006, she started […]

Riina Vuorikari

En: Dr. Riina Vuorikari, Researcher, European Commission Human Capital and Employment (Unit B4) JRC Science Hub Given the current focus on citizens interacting with AI systems, Dr. Vuorikari's work focuses on developing a better understanding of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that citizens should have […]

Anthony F. Camilleri

Anthony F. Camilleri's experience relates to quality assurance processes and the transfer of research knowledge. As part of quality assurance, he provided training on review techniques by quality assurance agencies in Europe and contributed to the UNIQUe and ECBCheck guidelines on quality assurance in e-learning. In the […]

Jesus G. Apothecary

Jesus G. Boticario has held several positions at UNED in connection with the use of IT in education. He is currently a teacher at the School of Computer Science. He is the head of the aDeNu research group, scientific coordinator in European and national projects, president of CORE conferences and organizer of the series of workshops on modeling and user accessibility. It is also […]

Demetrios Sampson

Demetrios Sampson has been engaged in teaching and research in the field of digital learning and learning technologies since 1996. He is the co-author of 350 articles in scientific books, journals and conferences, as well as the editor of 15 books, 35 special issues in academic journals. and 40 international conference papers, with over 6,000 […]

Georgi Dimitrov

Georgi Dimitrov joined the European Commission in 2008. Between 2009 and 2013 he was involved in various roles in setting up the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). In 2014-2015, Georgi managed the launch of HEInnovate, a European Commission and OECD initiative that supports entrepreneurial and innovative universities. He then gained experience in quality […]

Prof. Daniela Rus

Prof. Daniela Rus is a professor of electrical and computer engineering Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi; Director of the Laboratory of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence (CSAIL) and Deputy Dean of Research for Schwarzman College of Computing at MIT. Prof. Rus brings deep expertise in robotics, artificial intelligence, data science and computing. He is a member of the National Academy […]


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Mail: contact@elearning.upt.ro


The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication and Public Relations in distance education under license cycle and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of license cycle.