
Daniel Stuparu

Daniel Stuparu

Daniel STUPARU has been leading the Information Systems Center within UTB's DTIC for about 10 years. He graduated in 2003 with a specialization in Informatics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, followed by a master's degree in databases and electronic commerce. Also, in 2017 he became an economist, graduating in Finance - Banking. His areas of interest are databases and big data, which he tries to unite with the economic side, related to stock exchanges and capital markets.


Bl. Vasile Parvan, no. 2 B, Floor IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300

Mail: contact@elearning.upt.ro


The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication and Public Relations in distance education under license cycle and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of license cycle.