
Bogdan Orza

Bogdan Orza

Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Orza is an associate professor at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, director of the Department for Continuing Education, Distance and Part-Time Education and coordinator of the Multimedia Systems and Applications Laboratory. From the beginning of his university activity he was involved in the development of educational systems and solutions for carrying out online activities. Currently, he coordinates the activity of the eCampus - Virtual Campus initiative in the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.




Bl. Vasile Parvan, no. 2 B, Floor IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300

Mail: contact@elearning.upt.ro


The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication and Public Relations in distance education under license cycle and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of license cycle.