Digital skills workshop in artificial intelligence and community – DigiSkills 2024

The Politehnica University of Timișoara, through the Department of ID/IFR and Digital Education and the Multimedia Center, together with the Alliance of European Universities E³UDRES² and Ent-re-novators, with the support of Accelerate Future HEI, is organizing the 9th edition of the Digital Skills Workshop in artificial intelligence and community - DigiSkills 2024 Registration Zoom The event is for actors


22/11/2024 - 12:00


22/11/2024 - 15:30


Room C410 Department of ID/IFR and Digital Education, Bd. Vasile Pârvan no. 2B, Library building, et. IV (side entrance from the Electro building)   View map

The Politehnica University of Timișoara, through the Department of ID/IFR and Digital Education and the Multimedia Center, together with the Alliance of European Universities E³UDRES² and Ent-re-novators, with the support of Accelerate Future HEI, is organizing the 9th edition of Digital skills workshop in artificial intelligence and community – DigiSkills 2024

The event is addressed to actors in the field of education, research, but also to citizens from the community, bringing together national and international specialists to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence in education, research, but also in the community. 


Generative artificial intelligence it presents disruptive potential in the field of education, revolutionizing traditional teaching and learning paradigms and the way we educate, learn and engage with knowledge. The workshop will address the questions:

What skills will be expected of educators and students in the future?

How are education and open science practices being changed by GAI?

What are the regulations and guidelines for using GAI in higher education?

Part II
Workshop E³UDRES²

Strengthening innovation by engaging citizens in science: Bridging academia and the public in the digital age

The event is addressed to both researchers and academic staff, students, but also interested citizens. 

As open science and citizen science become essential to bridging the gap between academia and the public domain, this workshop should inspire dialogue, partnership and exchange of ideas. We focus on revealing how open science principles can catalyze innovation through democratizing access to scientific research and the way in which citizen science can stimulate public engagement in science, contributing significantly in various fields.


Workshop digital skills in artificial intelligence and community - DigiSkills 2024

12:00  Regulations and guidelines on artificial intelligence in higher education – Dr. Diana Andone

AI Tools for Science – Dr. Diana Andone

AI detection for urban buildings – Sldr. Ciprian Orhei

Strengthening innovation by engaging citizens in science: Bridging academia and the public in the digital age

13:00 – 13:10 Welcome speech and Opening of the Workshop, Franziska Wehner, HFD

13:10 – 13:30 Citizen Science: Why Universities Should Be Interested in Citizen Science and How to Support It, Muki Haklay, Citizen Science Team Leader, Learning Planet Institute / Professor of Geographic Information Science, UCL

This session will cover raising citizen science awareness and implementation as part of the wider field of open science by policy makers and research communities, highlighting key initiatives such as European and UNESCO efforts, as well as expectations from new skills frameworks such as ResearchComp. It will also look at how universities can effectively support Citizen Science, focusing on transition strategies and examples of support provided by university libraries and other institutional resources.

13:30 -13:45 Conducting research with communities. The potential and challenges of community-based research, Michaela Moser, STPUAS

13:45 – 14:15 From curiosity to engagement: strategies for engaging citizens in research , Sarah De Coninck, Researcher in Psychology, UCLL

Engaging citizens in research presents unique challenges. The Ent-re-innovators project has created an overview of engagement strategies to provide tools to circumvent these challenges. In three Delphi rounds, Citizen Science experts created this eight-category framework, specifically (1) project design and planning, (2) communication, (3) understanding context, (4) networking and outreach , (5) transdisciplinary teamwork, (6) training, counseling and education, (7) stakeholder and citizen incentives and motivation, and (8) ethical considerations. This workshop will provide an introduction to this framework and an opportunity to test a pilot version of a game to 'map' your or your team's engagement skills.

14:15 – 14:35 Open Science Discussions – Radu Vasiu & Liviu Marsavina, Polytechnic University of Timisoara

14:35 - 14:45 Introducing the Presentation Session – Franziska Wehner, HFD

14:45 – 15:25 Presentation Session – Carla Gamelas Reis, IPS; Aaron Schröcke, HFD

15:25–15:30 The final session of the Workshop – Franziska Wehner, HFD





Friday, November 22 at 12:00. Digital Competences in Artificial Intelligence and Community Workshop + E³UDRES² Workshop: Strengthening Innovation by Engaging Citizens in Science: Bridging Academia and the Public in the Digital Age

Înregistrare Zoom


Bl. Vasile Parvan, no. 2 B, Floor IV
Timisoara, Romania

Tel: +40 256 403300



The ID / IFR and e-Learning Center (CeL) was established in 1998, as an integral part of the Polytechnic University of Timişoara (UPT).
CeL organizes the specializations - Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications, Applied Informatics, Communication and Public Relations in distance education under license cycle and Technology of Machine Constructions in education with reduced frequency of license cycle.