Academic calendar ID-IFR 2015-2016
the ID / IFR and e-Learning Center
SEMESTER I of the academic year 2015/2016 is for the period 03.10.2015 - 21.02.2016, and is valid for all years of study from distance education:
28.09.2015 - 24.01.2016 Training (3.10 / 24.10 / 21.11 / 12.12)
09.01.2016, 10.01.2016 Distributed evaluation (programming 1)
17.01.2016, 24.01.2016 Distributed evaluation (programming 2)
31.01.2016, 07.02.2016 Distributed evaluation (programming 3)
16.01.2016, 23.01.2016, 30.01.2016, 06.02.2016 SESSION 1 (programming 1)
13.02.2016, 14.02.2016, 20.02.2016, 21.02.2016 SESSION 2 (programming 2)
28.02.2016, 05.03.2016, 06.03.2016, 13.03.2016 SESSION 3 (programming 3)
Schedule 3 will be planned during the teaching weeks during the second semester (until S7)
SECOND SEMESTERof the academic year 2015/2016 is for the period 27.02.2016– 03.07.2016.
1. For non-terminal years of study
27.02.2016 - 22.05.2016 Training (27.02 / 12.03 / 2.04 / 23.04)
14.05.2016, 15.05.2016 Distributed evaluation (programming 1)
21.05.2016, 22.05.2016 Distributed evaluation (programming 2)
29.05.2016, 05.06.2016 Distributed evaluation (programming 3)
28.05.2016, 04.06.2016, 11.06.2016, 18.06.2016 SESSION 1 (programming 1)
25.06.2016, 26.06.2016, 02.07.2016, 03.07.2016 SESSION 2 (programming 2)
03.09.2016, 04.09.2016, 10.09.2016, 11.09.2016 SESSION 3 (programming 3)
2. For the final years of study
27.02.2016 - 27.03.2016 Training (27.02 / 12.03)
19.03.2016, 20.03.2016 Distributed evaluation (programming 1)
02.04.2016, 3.04.2016 Distributed evaluation (programming 2)
09.04.2016, 10.04.2016, 16.04.2016, 17.04.2016 SESSION 1 (programming 1)
23.04.2016, 24.04.2016, 14.05.2016, 15.05.2016 SESSION 2 (programming 2)
21.05.2016, 22.05.2016, 28.05.2016, 29.05.2016 Distributed evaluation and SESSION 3 (scheduling 3)
02.05.2016 - 19.06.2016 ELABORATION OF WORK LICENSE
20.06.2016 - 3.07.2016 LICENSE EXAMINATION
RESIDENCE SESSION: from 01.09.2016 with a duration of 3 weeks, including only the exams.
03.09.2016, 04.09.2016, 10.09.2016, 11.09.2016 SESSION 3 (programming 3)