Specialization in Telecommunications Technologies and Systems, in collaboration with the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies (bachelor's degree - engineers - 4 years of study) - distance learning

Graduates of this specialization will become high-performance and competent specialists with a good basic training in the field of electronics and telecommunications, but also trained in related fields, so as to integrate quickly into the market economy.

Students of the Telecommunications Technologies and Systems specialization will benefit from high level training in current fields on the labor market:

integrated data and voice transmissions

telecommunications networks

online database development

web programming

Electronics and telecommunications engineers can become:


The study programs are accredited* by ARACIS and confer the same degree as in the case of full-time studies, the distance/part-time bachelor's degree (in accordance with HG607 / 2014).

\(CRP provisional authorization pending accreditation)*

Telecommunications Technologies and Systems Fees

Starting with the academic year 2022-2023, the tuition fee can be paid exclusively through the platform student.upt.ro.

Steps to follow to pay the tuition fee:

1. Access https://student.upt.ro/

2. Download the study contract and the annex, sign them, scan them and reload them on the platform

3. After checking the scanned contracts by the Faculty Secretariat, the Pay Fee button will be activated

4. Pay the tuition fee in the periods allocated to the payment of fees

Only in exceptional cases may taxes be paid into the account:

Beneficiary: Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania, Victoriei Square, no.2

CUI: 4269282

IBAN: RO20 BACX 0000 0030 1782 5060

The payment details will be noted: “Faculty, year…, sem…, TX… (to be filled in according to the payment made, according to the abbreviations), name / surname, CNP”. 

Additional information to the persons below or on www.etc.upt.ro :


ETCTI Secretary
Contact person - Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies
0256 403299

Prof.dr.ing. Radu VASIU

Academic manager ETCTI


Specialization Informatics, in collaboration with the Faculty of Automatics and Computers (graduates in informatics - 3 ...

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