Age Friendly City Workshop

Age Friendly City Workshop
10 September 2013
Small Hall of the Senate, Rectorate
"Politehnica" University of Timisoara
Timisoara (Romania)

“Politehnica” University of Timisoara together with Timisoara City Hall invites you to participate in the Age Friendly City workshop which will take place on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 from 9:00 at the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara (UPT), Rectorate, Small Senate Hall , floor 1, Pta Victoriei No 2, Timisoara, Romania.

More information in the adjacent Agenda and at

Please confirm your participation in Camelia Curuliuc or by phone at 0256-403326.

The Age Friendly City 'TAFCITY' - The city accessible to all age groups
The TAFCIty project
The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched an initiative aimed at promoting the creation of "age friendly" environments (accessible to all age groups). An Age-Friendly network of cities has been set up, including San Sebastian in Spain and Maribor in Slovenia (all partners in the project).
The TAFCity project brings together seven partner countries - Spain, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia, Belgium and Romania, transferring innovative educational methodologies to understand the concept of "Active Aging". The project promotes "The Age Friendly City" in partner cities and municipalities.
This project has developed a training program to promote 'The Age Friendly City' in which you are invited to participate.
A certificate of participation will be awarded at the end. Nicolae Robu
The city of Timisoara
Dr.eng. Diana Andone
Director of the eLearning Center,
"Politehnica" University of Timisoara
Local TAFCITY Project Manager


9.00 Registration
9:15 Welcome: Nicolae Robu, Mayor of Timisoara City
10:00 TAFCITY project: Dr. Diana Andone (UPT), Marijo Irastorza (CDEA)
10:10 What is Age Friendly City? WHO initiative - demographics and the Age Friendly City - Marijo Moreno (Matia)
11:00 Coffee Break
11:20 Age Friendly policies and experiences from Bath (UK), San Sebastian (ES), Maribor (SL), Fatima (PT), Budapest (HU). (10 min each)
12:10 City Strategy, Development and Policies - - Marijo Moreno (Matia)
13:00 Lunch and networking (Casa Politehnicii 1)
14:00 Where are we now?
14:20 Activity 1 self-assessment
15:00 Activity 2 - intergenerational events
15:15 Brainstorm - planning next steps - by participants
16:00 Feedback from groups and Q&A
16:50 How to access the online course - presentation of ViCaDiS environment - Dr. Diana Andone (UPT)
17:00 Evaluation