List of regulations
- Regulation on the Organization and Development of the Educational Process at the “Bachelor” Cycle of Studies at the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara (Bachelor Cycle - Bologna system) (link)
- Regulation of Organization and Development of the Initial Training Education Process from the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara (Long-term studies activated before 2005 (link)
- Regulation regarding the examination and grading of students in UPT (link)
- Regulation on the organization and conduct of bachelor's / diploma and dissertation exams at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara (Annex to HS no. 95 / 12.02.2015) (link)
- Regulation on the organization, development and standardization of teaching activities in the forms of distance and part-time education in the Polytechnic University of Timisoara HS 169 / 26.06.2014 (link)
- HBES no.16 / 06.07.2009 regarding the way of communicating to students the results of the partial or final evaluation tests (link)
- Regulation regarding the organization and development of the final exams in the Polytechnic University. from Timisoara (link)
- Declaration of authenticity of the work for completing the studies (link)
- Methodology regarding the granting of credits for the recognition of the volunteer activities of the students of the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara (Annex to HS no. 28 / 25.04.2013) (link)
- Regulation on guiding and advising students in UPT outside teaching activities (Annex to HS no. 26 / 25.04.2013) (link)
- Regulation on the Organization and Functioning of the Student Information and Counseling Center (ROFCICS) - 2007 (link)
- Regulation on the general framework for organizing and conducting student practice in UPT (link)
- HS no. 01 / 26.01.2006 regarding the financial regime of studies for students admitted in the first year (link)
- HBES no.11 / 01.02.2005 regarding the right of students to contest the marks obtained at exams / colloquia / project presentations (link)
- Regulation on the Organization and Functioning of the Practice Coordination Office (ROFOCP) (link)
- Senate decision on the establishment of the CSID (HS-11.02.1998)
- Code-rights_and_obligations_of_student_UPT
- Regulation on the establishment, collection and reimbursement of tuition fees for undergraduate and master's degree studies at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara (HS_120/18.04.2019)
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Reg._ regarding_organizing_and_conducting_studies_finishing_studies